Meet the Team
Corporate Friends
These are businesses that I regularly refer to my clients and friends.
A house rule is that we receive no commissions or introducer's fees from our corporate friends. The recommendation is simply based on the quality of work they have provided to my other clients.
Professional Mission Statement
To give my clients:
• Vision and insight
• Constructive feedback
• Advice and counsel
• Critical analysis
• Support and encouragement
• Crisis or failure control plans
• A solid role model
• Self-confidence and stronger self-esteem
• A safe area to discuss ideas and options
In my role as an Employer:
To create and maintain a self-motivated championship support team who consider working with me to be the inspiration to fulfil their own potential
To continually ask for and listen to suggestions as to how I can improve
To share generously in my present and future profits
To consistently search for an acquire new skills and technologies that will add value to my client and team relationships
To ensure that through prudent financial management my business remains debt free, financially strong and thus creates security for both clients and team
In my role as a networker:
To continually introduce clients to a carefully selected panel of specialists in other professions who can work with them to fulfil their mission statement and goals
In my role as a community volunteer:
To be willing to sponsor clients, contacts and support team in their charitable endeavours when requested
To become involved in my own charitable activity and to be willing to devote my time and talents to help others when requested on a pro-bono basis
Personal Mission Statement
To be a catalyst, inspiring others to action as they identify their mission, roles and goals
To be ever mindful that between stimulus and response there is only freedom to choose
In my role as a family leader:
To act worthily as a partner, best friend and lover
To be a hero, teacher and role model to my children
To be the wind under their wings
To keep all of my promises
To provide unconditional love and adequate time for each of them
In my role as entrepreneur:
To remember that I can gain nothing in my professional life without giving something first
To have earned the respect of my strategic partners and my peers
To be a leader, guide and role model to my support team
In my role as a coach:
To have assisted clients in establishing their own consuming vision of the future
To translate that vision into goals and to have established a plan of action
To be a principal trusted advisor and friend
To become an internationally recognised speaker, writer and mentor who has designed a template that clients can use to create permanent transformation in their professional and personal lives
In my role as a friend:
To be pro-active in my concern
To be consistent and unconditional in my friendship
In my role as a community volunteer:
To devote a portion of my time and energy to help those in need
For myself:
To maintain fitness and health through nutrition, sleep, exercise and meditation
Through exercise to maintain strength, agility, flexibility and endurance
To focus on my unique abilities and effectively delegate (but not abdicate) all else
To design and create a perfect life and environment
To achieve and maintain financial independence, to eliminate stress and to share many years of peace, prosperity and balance with those I love.