Chris Barrow

5 days ago1 min

"Resilience on the Pitch: What Churchill's Legacy Teaches Us About the England Football Team"

The two supporters who left the England v. Slovakia game before full time on Sunday did, at least, create an amused reaction from many of us on Monday, as the social media post was widely circulated.

Derogatory comments about the team, about Southgate and the importance of catching the tram home will, no doubt, be encouraging all who know the individuals concerned to be pulling their legs for days to come (if not years!).

As a metaphor for the consequences of giving up our endeavours too early, it was quite brilliant.

I challenge anyone who had suffered through 4 games to not be despondent as the 90th minute approached. The 5 minutes of extra time seemed to be pointless.

Then the world pivoted and, with two goals within 190 seconds (either side of the break) "please just score" became "please just hang on".

The miracle was delivered.

Has that ever happened to you in your personal or professional life? Every sinew wanting to give up - but you carried on and won the battle?

Our collective football agony continues next weekend but, for now, we can recall Churchill's advice to the pupils of his former school:

"surely from this period of ten months this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense."

Winston Churchill

October 29, 1941

Harrow School
