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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow

Dental Business Ownership: Lonely, Scary, Exhausting – But You’re Not Alone

Dental business ownership can be a very lonely, sometimes scary place and frequently just bloody exhausting.

I have no end of clients tell me that "they would be better off as associates", although that type of greener grass syndrome is rarely accurate and usually just a cry for sympathy.

"As of the second quarter of 2024, approximately 13.1 percent of workers in the United Kingdom were self-employed, a significant fall compared with 2019 when the self-employment rate reached a peak of 15.3 percent, just before the arrival of the Coronavirus pandemic."

Source: Statista

Which gives rise to Michael Gerber's famous phrase:

"I'm self-employed, I work for a lunatic - and the lunatic is me."

So perhaps The Extreme Business 100 is an asylum?

(Is it even politically correct to say that - or am I in trouble again?).

Certainly, my clients have much in common when it comes to dealing with the everyday pressures of Ownership.

They aren't some kind of super-league collection of world-class practices. Just a regular group of lunatics - just like you.

I often start my quarterly workshops with:

"Can I have a show of hands please - who thinks that The Extreme Business100 is 99 world-class practices and that they are the weakest link?"

Always a show of hands from two-thirds of the room who think they are the poor relatives of the rest (the other third just don't want to admit it).

Most of my clients are lonely, scared and exhausted - we just don't mind admitting it, whether a single-handed dentist with a rented chair or the Owner of a multi-location micro-corporate, whether NHS, mixed, private or specialist, whether in a city, suburb, a village or the middle of nowhere.

Looking for ways to cope and improve, riding up and down the snakes and ladders board, one week a victory, the next a shit-show.

All in the same boat.

Why do this alone?

We are still recruiting for our 2025 cohort - asylum seekers welcome.

We may not be able to guarantee your sanity, but you'll certainly enjoy your lunacy with a group of understanding friends.

Maybe for you that could be a problem halved?

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