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a blog by Chris Barrow

Focus and simplify

  • Focus

  • Delegate

  • Automate

  • Eliminate

I was reminded of this advice (from Full Focus Planner founder Michael Hyatt) during a client conversation last week.

  • Step 1 - focus your time and energy on what you like doing best and are the best at;

  • Step 2 - delegate everything else to your support team and colleagues;

  • Step 3 - use software and systems to automate everything that can be;

  • Step 4 - eliminate everything that isn't in alignment with your objectives.

We get distracted by Bright Shiny Objects (BSOs), bored by repetition, and procrastinate before starting things we don't enjoy.

As an Owner or Manager, aim to spend 80% of your time focused on your best work and 20% leading the team to whom you delegate.

It really does work and leads to a very enjoyable working life.

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