Here’s a list of reasons why you could give up, throw the towel in, sell up and go:
The threat of litigation;
The burden of compliance;
The meddling of Government;
The squeeze by insurance companies:
The scarcity of good clinicians and team members;
The irritation and dilution of competition;
The behaviours of your most troublesome team members and patients;
The disappointment in dealing with poor suppliers;
The virality of social media – allowing your bad news to travel further, faster than every before;
The sheer overwhelming relentlessness of it all – having to get up and go to work, day after day, over and over again.
Here’s a list of reasons why you can carry on, dig deeper for more energy, make a difference:
Baby-boomers – who have 45% of the money, an extra 20 years of life that their parents didn’t have and the desire to look good and feel good;
The 3 billion photographs that we upload to The Cloud every 24 hours – mainly of ourselves;
The virality of social media – allowing your good news to travel further, faster than every before;
The fact that you have the skill and the confidence to deliver high-end dentistry;
The opportunity to find those needles in the haystack – team players and clinicians who are a pleasure to mentor and work with;
The suppliers who support you and demonstrate their loyalty through their customer service;
The opportunity to “give back and be proud” through your Corporate Social Responsibility programme;
Your beautiful premises;
The hard-earned reputation of your brand.;
The sheer overwhelming privilege of being born in the right post-code, having a world of opportunity at your doorstep, having food and water, health, security, a sense of belonging to a community that upholds similar values, the love of family and friends and a deep sense of purpose and self-actualisation through your work.
So which list are you taking to work today?