Morning routine - Home
05:30 alarm, make coffee, read book;
06:15 write daily journal and blog, check social media and emails;
07:15 walk dogs if required or exercise (run or Wattbike);
08:15 shower, dress, coffee;
09:00 at my desk.
Morning routine - Away
05:00 alarm, make coffee, read book;
05:30 write daily journal and blog, check social media and emails;
06:15 exercise (run);
07:15 shower, dress, coffee;
08:00 in the conference room or on my way to see a client
Target - to hit my morning routine more than 90% of weekdays.
The exception proves the rule - this morning......
05:30 alarm, make coffee, read book;
06:15 write daily journal and blog, check social media and emails;
07:00 shower, dress, no coffee;
07:30 depart for client visit in Greater Manchester this morning.
I can hear you saying "it's OK for you - you don't have children to organise (or elderly parents)."
This I know and appreciate.
Routine, routine, routine - I'm a machine.
p.s. weekends.......
Wake whenever I wake;
Coffee and read for 30 minutes;
Write daily journal;
Check social media and emails (yes - I do - FOMO);
Walk dogs or exercise if I'm training for an event;
Get on with the day.