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a blog by Chris Barrow

How big is mobile?

Potential new patients are finding your web site from organic search, by clicking on adverts, via shared social posts, linking from newsletters and through verbal recommendation.

I’ve reviewed three separate client reports in recent weeks (from widely differing practices and digital marketers) that indicate almost 2/3rds of their web site visits have been via what Google Analytics has described as “mobile” and that I interpret (please put me right if I’m wrong) as via smartphones and tablets.

Do you know whether, 66% of the time, your digital shop window may be displayed on a hand-held device?

Question – is the user experience excellent enough to draw the prospective patient further into the site?

Question – as they investigate, does your mobile-responsive site allow them to exchange an email for a free guide or subscribe to your newsletter?

Question – can they chat live or book online from a device?

Question – can they view your videos?

At the recent keynote presentation I delivered at The Dentistry Show, one of my predictions was the extinction of the traditional dental web site by 2026 if not before.

To be replaced by device-friendly user experiences that may well bear no relation to today’s design and technology.

Consider how much you are investing a web site build or overhaul and ask yourself how much emphasis you need to give to the device-friendly version. Statistically it may be your most important question.

Perhaps we should see a new award category at those black-tie dinners – for best mobile-responsive site?

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