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Thinking Business
a blog by Chris Barrow

New dawn

Writer: Chris BarrowChris Barrow

Allow me, if you please, a personal note today, marking the first blog post to be written and published in our new home.

After 12 very happy years in Hale, yesterday we moved to Hartford in leafy Cheshire and into a new-build that my wife has been interior designing since January.

Credit where it is due to Annie Barrow, who is crafting our new life in the most lovely surroundings.

It makes all the hard work worthwhile when you see the results of your labour become a reality.

Those who know me, know that this project has been my BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal) for the last 10 years.

I woke in the middle of last night, with a head full of thoughts, not just about the hundreds of minor tasks associated with both work and home - but also speculating as to what my next BHAG will be.

That's what we "questors" are like - there will be no doldrums or cocooning for me - bring the next the next set of goals, targets, projects and tasks on to the stage please.

Four days off work - now - let's get my head back in the game....



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