Today's favourite word of the day is.......
....that's how the media are describing the weather.
Actually, it snowed a bit.
In continental Europe, it wouldn't make the news.
Here, we have an apocalypse.
A quick scan of The Guardian online this morning.
a decade of neglect
Minister's belligerence
political footballs
sexual harassment
I'm so cold I live in my bed
they were happy to lie to protect my brother
strikes, strikes, strikes
major disruption
dog bites on the rise 🐶
Just a quick reminder to avoid the media - they operate on the basis that bad news and celebrity nosey-ness sells - that seeing Elon Musk booed off the stage in San Francisco, Harry & Meg using a Netflix mini-series to complain about their lack of privacy and Sam Bankman-Fried being busted for squandering the funds of greedy speculators - is going to sell advertising.
Bad news travels further, faster, than at any time in history.
There's always something to bitch and moan about - always has been, always will be.
You can make a decision - to focus on spreading good news and invest in listening to it as well.
Be the beacon of light.
There is always light.