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a blog by Chris Barrow

Seeing the future

Yesterday I was privileged to be given a private tour of the new Itero Lumina IOS and, even as a non-clinical observer and unbiased observer, I was very excited by the capabilities of the latest version of Align's product.

I hasten to add that I receive no compensation for mentioning this here.

As a business coach, I'm already fully aware of the game-changing potential of the intraoral scanner in patient communication. After all, I've been hosting the Align Digital Excellence Series (DES) of webinars for three years now.

The enhanced capabilities of the Lumina (for orthodontics first and for the rest of you later in the year) will accelerate the role of the IOS in every aspect of dentistry - the landscape can never be the same again.

There's a global launch webinar (primarily for the orthodontic community) on Thursday next week - I'll be there in the audience.

You can register here -

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