We are still looking at those red hexagons on the Lifecycle Marketing Workflow – previously defined as “things that you can automate”. If you haven’t yet downloaded the free PDF you can do so by clicking immediately below. We’ve looked at the automation of Attraction to your web site Data Capture Short-term nurture of current enquiries Long-term nurture of existing patients and prospects Reactivation of dormant treatment plans Today I want to examine your existing recall systems and galvanise them into an opportunity that can support your 100% Growth System. Part of the current recall problem is that 83% of independently-owned dental practices use practice management software (yes – 17% still don’t own a computer) and inevitably use the pre-written, in-built recall systems provided, whether by letter, text or email. The result (of which we have spoken before) is a lifeless system: “we note from our records that you are due for a dental health review” By using CRM software (that’s Customer Relationship Management), you can turn the patient experience at recall into an opportunity to up-sell additional treatment and obtain digital word of mouth referrals – if you take the time and trouble to ask and present your case in an attractive way. Consider this simple narrative for an email: Miss A Patient 24th July 2015 Our Ref: 123456789 Dear Miss Patient This is a gentle reminder that, as a member of ABC Dental Care, your inclusive dental health review is now overdue. Your review will be with me/Dr Smith Your dental health review has the following benefits: * • We can answer any concerns or problems that may have arisen since your last visit * • We can give your teeth an overall clean and polish * • We can check your dental health and identify any potential problems that might cause future discomfort if left unattended * • We can reduce the cost of your future dental treatment * • We can help you keep a lovely smile for life! During your visit we would be happy to answer any questions you might have on your future dental health and confidence in your smile. We are also recruiting new patients at this time, so if you have any family, friends or colleagues who you think would benefit from a visit to our practice, we are offering free assessments with our lovely Treatment Co-ordinator, Julie Jones. Julie would be happy to meet you or any referral from you for an informal chat over coffee. Now – back to your dental health review. To ensure that you are getting the most out of your membership, please click the telephone icon in this email and member of our care team will call you in the next 24 hours to confirm your recall appointment time. Or, if you prefer, use the on-line booking facility by clicking the link below. When you arrive, please let us know about any changes in your health, medication or personal details since your last visit. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Because we can use automated email software, the letter can be beautifully branded be graphically designed include hyperlinks to your web site include a video testimonial from a patient, describing the benefits of regular attendance include a video from a member of your dental care team, encouraging the patient to respond and/or refer include a downloadable White Paper on a selected treatment modality that can invite the existing patient into a short-term nurture sequence and/or allow sharing via email and/or social media. By building the architecture that drives this process, designing the look and feel and automating the issue, we are helping our clients to transform what used to be a chore into a sales and referral opportunity. Here’s a screen shot of some of the previously routine letters that we have re-written or created with one of our clients to freshen up their patient communication systems: Tactic #8 – create a CRM software-based recall system that encourages up-sales and referrals p.s. Almost 10% of independently-owned practices in the UK are now actively using on-line booking – there are products in the market that will bolt on to the main practice management software providers and in the very near future those on-line booking systems will become more common, easily available, cross-platform, robust and usable on a variety of PC, tablet and mobile devices. It’s the future! Summary so far of The 100% Growth System Tactic #1 – hold accountability meetings face to face with your SEO, Digital and Direct Marketing providers EVERY MONTH AND PREFERABLY FACE TO FACE and ask them the golden question. Tactic #2 – lead your team in actively asking for emails, social connections, testimonials, referrals and networking invitations Tactic #3 – The Lifecycle Marketing Workflow Tactic #4- Create White Paper downloads on your web site for all of the major treatment modalities that you wish to broadcast Tactic #5 – Embed White Paper offers into your existing email newsletters Tactic #6 – complete internal web forms for all new patient enquiries and up-sales to existing patients Tactic #7 – Create reactivation sequences for dormant treatment plans. Tactic #8 – create a CRM software-based recall system that encourages up-sales and referrals
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Thinking Business
a blog by Chris Barrow
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