First full day back at work after the India trip and so:
Went to bed at 21:00 last night and forgot to set my alarm;
Woke up in the dark and realised I'd forgotten - looked at the clock and saw that it was 02:15;
Went downstairs to my office and set the alarm for 05:30 - then back to bed;
Drifting in and out of sleep, writing emails in my head and putting together an imaginary Powerpoint slide deck on digital workflow;
Annie and I both awake at 05:00, so we came downstairs and had coffee in the kitchen, whilst watching the snow fall outside - somewhat of a climate change from Goa!
That's two consecutive mornings where we have woken well before the alarm - yesterday it was in our London hotel.
The good news is that I'm unpacked, on my third laundry load, office all set up nice and neat and tidy.
Emails, emails, emails;
A very daunting list of tasks, some of which travelled all the way to India and back and still haven't been started;
A podcast recording with Ashley;
8 Zoom calls;
My Tuesday evening client webinar, interviewing Alison King from Bespoke HR on the current employment landscape.
A very early start again tomorrow as I'm on the first train down to London for three days of meetings.
35 shopping days to Christmas.......
"The next dull moment will be the first."