In his book “Linchpins”, blogger Seth Godin argues that the best way to progress in an organisation or business is to make oneself indispensable.
He created a Linchpin Manifesto which I share with you this morning – a mantra that your very best team members will identify with in an instant and “the rest” will never understand.
Linchpins “just do it” – you don’t have to bribe or cajole them into action – the work just gets done.
Yesterday we presented Practice Plan Workshop #5 at the Doubletree Hilton Bristol South – a.k.a. Cadbury House in Congresbury.
Our audio visual facilities were the best on the tour so far and Wendy, a member of the conference team, was on hand to make sure that everything went according to plan.
Nothing was too much trouble, her attitude was exemplary and we even managed a laugh or two along the way.
She made the day a pleasure – Wendy is a true ambassador for her brand.
I’ll bet that Wendy isn’t on the best money in the world – it’s just how she shows up every day.
We need more Wendys in the world to get stuff done.
The question for us all – how do we find them, nurture them, keep them?
My answer(s):
finding them is a lottery – you have to kiss a lot of frogs;
keeping them is a system of appreciation (see yesterdays blog).
If I gave Wendy a copy of the Linchpin Manifesto, she would just “get it”.
You might want to print off a few copies for your people.